Our Services



Need help with a specific area of your garden? Want to discuss some ideas to determine how to best develop a part of your garden? Have a landscaping problem you are trying to solve? Advice is available.



The focus of the business is the creativity and artistry of Residential and Commercial Landscape Design. The level of detail provided is customized to each client’s specific needs. Let’s get you the information you need to get a project started.


Project Facilitation

Installation of a design is typically a collaborative effort with some of our great local contractors. Varying levels of assistance are possible during landscape installation.


Plan Placement and Sourcing

Placing plants during installation for correct spacing as well as minor design adjustments is highly recommended. For Do-It-Yourself Clients, we can help with sourcing plant material.

No Maintenance Service

Windswept Landscapes does not offer any landscape maintenance or clean up services at this time.